Sunday, May 13, 2012

Rome is Beautiful

I can't believe I've already been here for four days. Every day gets better and better. The weather is always so perfect! Yesterday we visited two different catacombs. It is so surreal to think how old these places actually are. It was also so chilly down there! The tours were great. In our first tour we found out that there were over 500,000 people buried there, and about half were young children. Our second tour was a little draining and it was also harder to understand the second tour guide so I'm not too sure what I learned about that one. When we got back from the tours my roommates and I went to the little grocery store. Now that was an experience. Thank goodness this one girl came over to us and asked if we needed any help because I'm sure our faces were saying that. We just got a few groceries to hold us over for a few days. I decided to buy mozzarella, and let me say it was absolutely delicious. It was definitely very intimidating checking out, the lady at the checkout was not so friendly. We were a little bit scared. 

Today was so great! We went to the Coliseum and it was so awesome. I think that was my favorite thing so far in Rome. I just felt that I was in awe the entire time. It was so crazy to think about the gladiator fights and animal fights that occurred so long ago in there. The Coliseum was beautiful, it is so incredibly big. We then went over to look at the ancient ruins of Rome. That of course was amazing too. 

By the end of all of us were starving and our helper/planner Max had reservations for us at what he called the best pizza of Italy. It was delicious!! We were all so excited to eat. We had about 7 different kinds of pizza from pepperoni, seafood, eggplant, and margherita. We also had the most wonderful dessert. I'm not sure what the name of it is but it was stuffed with nutella and marshmellow. YUM

Okay, I'm off to bed. We start school tomorrow and I get to go on a fieldtrip with the 3rd graders! Ciao

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