Monday, May 14, 2012

First Day at School!

Oh my goodness. Today was so exciting! My third graders were absolutely the best. They all have the cutest Italian accents and they are so welcoming. My teacher (Mrs. Zappia) is so great! The school, Marymount International School in Rome, is so much more relaxed and easy going than in the United States. I was actually able to go on their field trip with them to the Vatican. We went in St. Peter's Basilica and it was so beautiful. I don't even think words can describe it. 

We were able to touch a statue of St. Peter and rub his foot. Apparently it is a tradition; the toes are no longer visible because so many people have touched it. All of the art and statues inside were magnificent. We were told a ton of information from our tour guide and I can't remember more than half of it...oops. The third graders definitely did not have the attention span for that. It was so incredibly crowded, so that was a little nerve racking with about 45 third graders. We were then able to go to this mosaic shop (one of the student's dad owns it!). The students were able to see how mosaic pictures are actually made and then we were able to eat. We had a hamburger patty and fries, it seriously made me laugh. There was no bun and I had no idea where to find ketchup, so I ate all of it with nothing on it. Then we were able to get granitas or gelato. Granitas are basically like a type of slushie. I decided to get coffee gelato and it was a little too strong tasting for me. But no worries after school a bunch of us went to get gelato at this place called Old Bridge. It was by far the BEST gelato we have had so far. I got chocolate, cookies, and nutella. YUM YUM YUM :) 

Hopefully tomorrow is just as awesome as today was!

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