Monday, May 21, 2012


Holy moly. I do not even know where to begin. Florence was absolutely stunning. This past weekend was definitely one of the best in my life. I do not think I have ever been somewhere so beautiful. We left for Florence on Friday morning around 7:30am (yikes) and got into Florence around 10:30 or 11:00am. I'll just say all of us were just a little bit tired. We had a little break once we got there to try to rest and get lunch. We had a tour booked for an art museum for the afternoon. That was definitely an experience to say the least. We were around some of the most beautiful art but could barely keep our eyes open at all. Oops. We were just a little too happy when that tour was over.

The art museum

We were all just so exhausted that we decided to save our energy and not go out on Friday night because we had an amazing day planned for Saturday. It definitely lived up to our highest expectations! It was incredible. We went to this old castle in Tuscany where we were able to taste extra virgin olive oil, wine, and we were able to help make our own pasta and sauce from scratch. 

The Beautiful Castle

 Dana and I

This was literally some of the best pasta I've had. We had meat sauce pasta and vegetable pasta. We were all obsessed with the vegetable pasta. It was absolutely delicious. There were fresh cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots

 The Vineyard
We were able to walk down into the vineyard and see all the baby grapes growing on the vines. So fun!

The view was so amazing from the castle. We were able to sit, relax, and take in the view for about two hours after all of our adventures in the castle. 

 With my beautiful best friend!!

After our amazing day at the castle we were able to go out and enjoy Florence at night! All of the girls went out together again and we had so much fun. :)

1 comment:

  1. Great picture of you and Laura! Love that scenery. I must go there!
