Monday, May 21, 2012

First Week of School

Sorry it has been so long since blogging! I never thought this adventure would be so exhausting. But of course it is so amazing. School was so great last week! I honestly feel like it was a complete blur probably because we have not been sleeping at all but when in Rome right? I love my teacher! She is actually from New York and her husband is Italian. They met in Greece, how cute is that? She has been letting me do so much in the classroom and I am so grateful. The students are the sweetest and I love getting to know them more and more each day. I know this week of school will be fabulous and I am going to be leading the morning activities for the rest of the time I am here ! Hopefully I start getting some more sleep because I have definitely been looking like a zombie coming into the classroom in the morning. I'm surprised the students aren't scared of me. I'm planning on going to bed earlier so maybe I will be able to function a little better during the school day. 

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